The Nedir Shakh fortress was built by Nedir-Shah’s order in the 18-th century. The fortress was surrounded by moat. The southern wall of this historical monument was damaged, however the other walls have been preserved to our days. In the northern corner of the fortress one can see a hill 10 meters high. From the top of this hill the whole fortress and its surroundings could be seen. In the middle of the fortress there are the ruins of the palace.
About 22 kilometers to the north of Kahka region in the collective farm named after A. Tahirov, there is the fortress of the great ruler Nedir-Shah. The fortress was built by the order of Nedir-Shah himself in the 18-th century. It was built in a rectangular form with the walls reaching to one thousand meters and the height up to 3 meters and surrounded by water channels. In every corner of the walls there are 12 round orifices that were once used for protection. Their height is 5 meters.
The southern walls of this historical monument were damaged by inundation, but other walls have been preserved to our days. On the northern corner of the fortress one can see a hill with the height of 10 meters and 20 in diameter. From the hill the whole fortress and its surroundings can be seen. In the middle of the fortress there are the ruins of the inner part of the palace. The monument gives a beautiful view to Kopet-Dag mountain ranges.