Amu Darya
The Amu Darya is the largest river in Turkmenistan and Central Asia. It is the most significant source of water for irrigation in the region. In the recent past, the Amu Darya flowed into the Aral Sea. At the moment, its water is almost completely used for agricultural needs.
Badhyz State Nature Reserve
The Badhyz State Nature Reserve is one of the most interesting and spectacular nature protected areas in Central Asia. It is located in south-western Turkmenistan on the border of Mary and Ahal provinces.
Sünt-Hasardag Nature Reserve
Sünt-Hasardag Nature Reserve is a nature reserve in the Balkan province of Turkmenistan. It was established in 1977 to protect indigenous flora and fauna.
Ogurja Ada Island
Ogurja Ada (Ogurjaly adasy) is the largest island in Turkmenistan, as well as the entire Caspian Sea. It is also known as Ogurchinskiy Island. This name was used during the Russian Empire and the Soviet Union.
Central Asian gray monitor
The Central Asian gray monitor (Varanus griseus caspius) is one of the subspecies of the gray monitor. It is the largest lizard of the fauna of Central Asia. Turkmens often call it “zem-zem”.
Repetek Nature Reserve
The Repetek Nature Reserve, located about 540 km from Ashgahabt, is one of the most beautiful places in the Karakum desert. It is located in the Eastern Kara Kum about 70 km to the south west from the city of Turkmenabat (Chardjou) the centre of the Lebap region.
Golden jackal in Turkmenistan
The golden jackal also known as common jackal, is a wolf-like canid that is found throughout most of the territory of Turkmenistan with the exception of the most arid part of the Karakum Desert.
Corsac fox in Turkmenistan
The corsac fox, also known simply as the corsac, is widespread in Central Asian countries from the Caspian Sea in the west to China in the east.
Yellow ground squirrel (Spermophilus fulvus)
Yellow ground squirrel is a large and sturdy type of ground squirrel, widespread in the territory of Turkmenistan and other countries of Central Asia.
Turkestan sand cat
The Turkestan sand cat known by the scientific name Felis margarita thinobia is a common spicie of wild cat in Central Asia. It is also native to deserts in the Arabian Peninsula, Israel, Syria, Iraq, Iran and Pakistan.