10 popular Turkmen sayings

10 popular Turkmen sayings

Below are 10 popular Turkmen sayings that are deeply rooted in the traditions and customs of the people of Turkmenistan.

1. “Gara göz gara görmez”

Translation: “A black eye doesn’t see blackness.”Meaning: People often overlook their own faults while criticizing others.

2. “Bir eli yağda, bir eli balda”

Translation: “One hand in oil, one hand in honey.”Meaning: Living a life of luxury and abundance.

3. “Gözüňiň döwüşme, aýagyňy gör”

Translation: “Don’t look at the fight, look at your feet.”Meaning: Focus on your own path and well-being instead of getting involved in conflicts.

4. “Aý bolan yerde, gijeler çöker”

Translation: “ Where there is a moon, shadows fall.”Meaning: In any situation, there will always be some negative aspects or challenges.

5. “Ene, ene, özüne geleni söýer”

Translation: “A mother tells the truth to those who deserve it.”Meaning: A mother will always be honest and straightforward with her loved ones.

6. “Ýagda gyz, daşda ýüz”

Translation: “A girl in oil, a boy in stone.”Meaning: A girl is delicate and soft, while a boy is strong and resilient.

7. “Ýol bilen ýaşa, ýol bilmez bilmez ýaşa”

Translation: “Live knowing the way, live without knowing the way.”Meaning: It is better to have knowledge and understanding in life rather than living in ignorance.

8. “Bir adam bir adamdyr”

Translation: “One person is one person.”Meaning: Each individual is unique and should be treated as such.

9. “Ýaşamak gül bolan gijede ýaşa”

Translation: “Live where life is like a rose.”Meaning: Choose to live in a place or environment where life is pleasant and enjoyable.

10. “Bir sözden adam, bir sözden gyz”

Translation: “A person is known by one word, a girl is known by one word.”Meaning: A person’s character can be judged by their words and actions.

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