Dograma: "the visiting card" of Turkmen cuisine

Dograma: “the visiting card” of Turkmen cuisine

Dograma is extremely ancient and probably the most famous and authentic Turkmen dish. To this day, it is cooked on special occasions – on religious holidays, for family celebrations.

Dograma is a very nourishing dish and is always made in large portions, so it is possible to feed up a hundred people. Cooking Dograma is not very difficult – you need fresh lamb, chore (Turkmen bread) and onion. Lamb is boiled in a large cauldron, on an open fire, in the fresh air. Freshly baked chore and boiled lamb are cooled.

Then the collective Dograma making begins. The whole family usually participates in the process. Bread is chopped up into small pieces by hand. The word “dograma” just means “crumble”. Meanwhile, small pieces of meat are pinched off from pieces of lamb by hand, cut and divided into fibers. Then all components are mixed together – chorek, onion and meat.

Before serving, a deep bowl is half filled with “dry” dograma and poured with boiling lamb broth, sprinkled with black and red pepper. Enjoy!

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